Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Standing Ovation’
Upright Little Bluestem PP 25, 202
Mature Height: 3-4 feet
Mature Width: 3-4 feet
USDA Hardiness Zone Range: 3 to 8
Water Requirements: Average
Shade Requirements: Full Sun
Upright Little Bluestem has all the benefits of the species with impressive adaptations. While some species. might flop when given too much water or fertility, ‘Standing Ovation’ remains standing tall. According to other sources it generally does not fall down even with pouring rain or high winds. Sturdy, thick stems play a huge part in its stand up quality. Foliage ranges from beautiful blue with hints of greens, purples and pinks. During fall stunning red and oranges can begin to be seen. Seed heads do not only add texture to the landscape, but also provide food for birds and small creatures.